

Saturday 13 July 2024


Our latest Spotify playlist starts with the Delgados getting us on our feet, the Waterboys find the Christ in us (no easy task), Coil give a hallucinogenic account of the death of art-cinema auteur Pasolini, the Blue Aeroplanes struggle to recall elusive memories, the The offer a song-form helpline in the thickest of nights, my bloody valentine go woozily serene in the soft moonlight, the original Fleetwood Mac get bluesy till it hurts (as was their way), Bessie Jones goes gospel (called by no less than Alan Lomax “the Mother Courage of American black traditions”), Show Me the Body don’t get intense in any way nosiree, then noise rockers Gnod tear down the house we built. Happy listening!

(Illo from the all-time SF classic ‘The Day The Earth Stood Still’.)

The Delgados: All Rise
The Waterboys: The Christ In You
COIL: Ostia (The Death Of Pasolini)
The Fall: Time Enough At Last
The Blue Aeroplanes: What It Is
The The: Helpline Operator
Brian Eno: The Fat Lady Of Limbourg
my bloody valentine: moon song
Fleetwood Mac: Love That Burns
Bessie Jones: You Better Mind
Show Me The Body: Now I Know
Gilla Band: I Was Away
Gnod: Uncle Frank Says Turn It Down

“You've got something to tell me,
I can taste it,
I know what it is”

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